Inner strength is needed in both instances.
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Gladioli - symbolizes Inner Strength |
Peer pressure or bullying is highlighted
and discussed at great lengths in our world with no outcomes, unless a large
group of people stand up and say otherwise. Bullying often goes unnoticed
because it affects a single person and a particular instance.
What is peer pressure and what exactly
is bullying?
For me the definition of bullying - is
when a person is weak or impaired, and being forced to do something against
their instinct or will, or told to believe in something they don’t.
They may have different core values
compared to the group doing the pressuring.
Peer pressure often comes from a group
of people who agree on one course of action or behavior. Which they find
acceptable, and therefore they insist that it is the norm or how everyone who
crosses their path should without question.
Take, for instance, the following scenario is it peer
pressure or is it bullying?
How will you perceive or judge it?
To find the words to describe the emotional trauma I endured. The experience
was similar to being held under water, by the people expecting me to
die, while telling me I would die. When my only thought was to struggle and
gulp fresh air to enable me to live. It felt like I had been held under water
for too long, eventually realizing that ‘hope’
was something I had to give myself.
I thrashed around emotionally for a long
time to find sense and balance, and the fresh air needed in my life. Then
deciding to leave the medical system which was dooming me with biased and
limited beliefs. I have not sought medical advice for nearly ten years now, and
not claimed one product, or item, from our medical system or private health
care system which has improved my health with relation to cancer.
I hope by now you will
understand the level of commitment and how I celebrated - usually alone. Every
little win and every little goal ticked off in my list of To Do’s. One of the hardest tasks proved to be
removing an addictive steroid I had been prescribed, and combating the
depression, pain and tears. It took eighteen months to remove the drug
totally out of my life. When the porta-cath (a device in my chest used for
injecting drugs) became blocked. Its removal was another milestone I
celebrated, because it meant I was no longer forced to go anywhere near a
hospital or doctor, or to endure the repeated words
of ‘terminal’ and ‘incurable’.
My achievements on survival
were celebrated each month I outlived their expectations. Then I celebrated the
six month mark, and finally after six years, back to counting in years. It was
finding the grit, on the days when my depression and emotions of grieving for
my own expected death hit hardest. I knew I couldn’t seek emotional support from anyone…
anywhere. If I went to an organisation for assistance, they would only refer me
back to the medical system I was trying to escape from, and no one in my small
trusted circle of friends had ever experienced, a life crisis similar to mine.
This contributed to my isolation. I was going against the trend and tide of the
people in the medical system.
How many people? I wonder
have been exposed to a group of people in the medical system and have
experienced the same treatment? Weak in body and mind, and rather than having
the will power to fight these biased set of beliefs - given up?
I don’t object with being diagnosed and told
where in your body you are sick. I question not being given a choice on what
type of healing and knowledge you are given to restore your health without
prescription drugs. Those tags on the scans and results which say to only be
opened by a Doctor or medical professional? Why?
Bullying and peer pressure
is saturated in every nook and cranny of our society and not just restricted to
the playground and schools. Survival skills are needed in any environment, and
any part of the world, it doesn’t
always mean you need a weapon to be a threat to someone’s life. Bullying and
peer pressure can also result in someone’s death.
Bullying and peer pressure comes in all
sizes and forms.
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