Pondering this
week, has led me to look closer at inspiration?
What is it? Where does it come from?
What is the process
of inspiration?
Is it a creative
idea or thought, transformed into energy and action?
Is it a process mentally stimulated,
then transformed into emotional positive energy and from there into an action,
to make an ordinary life into an inspiring life or resulting in an ordinary
person, living an extraordinary life?
How is this
Is it coming to the
realisation that ordinary people have done extraordinary things against
troubling circumstances? You couldn’t
see yourself surviving that life challenge or test and that inspires you to do
well and to try harder.
To change your current circumstances or to look at
your life in a different perspective.
To create something
out of the ordinary…
Hmmmm ... where does this come from?
Where to start?
Think back to when
you were a child… were you inspired
by a person like a teacher, or by reading a book? Maybe inspired by a movie or
movie star? Being inspired by nature is also popular.
I see the process
as an idea, fused with a positive emotional response, it then converts into a
physical action. Resulting in the energy levels being ramped up by the positive
thought towards a particular goal. e.g. losing weight, taking a holiday, a
commitment to take better care of yourself.
Many business ideas
have come from someone becoming inspired by being aware of a need and gap in a
society which needs to be addressed. Turning a negative experience, or
circumstance into something positive.
How to be inspired, and stay inspired
when life becomes humdrum, and the energy levels and thoughts are not sparking
inspiration in your life? That is the conundrum. What do you do?
When Inspiration is not being created from within you.
Have you ever
thought or considered that leaders in our community and society carry this
question with them regularly. How to inspire the troops when the leader has no
Inspiration is more
than oozing a high energy output. It is showing passion, enthusiasm and belief
of yourself and your actions which become infectious to those around you.
Similar to a yawn or an infectious laugh. It can be easily transmitted.
It is getting it
off the ground - most people struggle with….
and then maintaining it on a regular basis if you are a leader.
Having inspiration
usually means you want to change something in your life.
Do you want more
More meaning?
More purpose?
What thought do you
start with?
What memory do you
Is it a dream of a
better future you can create for yourself, to escape current circumstances?
Are only the
persistent - and people with strong willpower the inspirational ones?
Is it never giving
up on your thought and idea when the circumstances are tough?
For me it is
transforming my current life and circumstances into a life with purpose and
meaning, and then I carry the hope in my heart with the thought. I may be able
to help someone through a trying and difficult time.
I couldn’t do it without feeling passionate.
I write for all those
special people out there battling a life crisis or health issue. I feel for you
and know how difficult it can be to remain positive and not give up on yourselves.
For this week, on your TO DO LIST.
Find something
which is so inspiring your heart soars.
SEARCH... for it until you find that
sweet spot which
settles in your heart, mind and soul.
For some…. being inspired brings a tear to your eye, a lump in
your throat and a feeling in your heart rarely felt. So you cradle and hold
that thought and emotion gently so it doesn’t slip through your grasp. It
brings out a tenderness you haven’t felt for a long time.
Inspiration can be mind blowing or
gentle and subtle, and sometimes a real tear jerker. You will know it when it
finds you.
Actively seek it... if it cannot be found within you.
Welcome it like a long-lost friend!
Stay Strong!